Addiction to bad relationships

You have been dating your partner for pretty long. But it turns out that in fact you do not enjoy your relationship. You feel desperate and unhappy. You try your best to change the situation for the better. You want to be happy being with him. But all your attempts fail. Being with your boyfriend you feel frustrated and unsatisfied. Emotionally you are not ready to break up. Simply you can not overcome your fears to stay alone. Moreover it turns out that you face the situation over and over. Some girls are even emotionally and physically abused but they can’t split with their partners. What could be actual reasons of it? Well, as it was mentioned above one of the most common reasons is your conviction you would never ever date someone else. You are sure that it would be better to stay with your partner than to be alone. Your position is wrong. Probably it happens because you are uncertain person and have a low self-esteem. If so then you need to work it out. Try to do your best to change your opinion toward your personality. Do not be afraid to accept yourself as you are and do no be afraid to break up. How could you predict what would happen to you in future? It means that you block your ability to move on.

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I Am New Here

Nearly the worst nightmare imaginable is you standing in front of the crowd of strangers without any idea of what to tell them. You look ridiculous and people start laughing and pointing at you. And, on the top of it all, you are naked. This nightmare is quite similar to a real situation when you are being introduced to new team and have to produce good impression on all its members. Or, at least, any impression at all.

I was always scared of the first day in any new place. Nobody knows you, and all observe you curiously to define the species you belong to. Besides, you are surrounded with a whirlwind of new names and faces which confuse you but which you are bound to memorize immediately.

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Want to Make Your Waist Perfect? Get Ready to Start a New Life!

I have seldom met the women who were totally satisfied with her body shape. The most part of the women suppose their breasts to be too small, hips to be too wide, wast to be too thick. Their height appears to be either too tall or insufficient but no one considers herself to be perfect. The most wide-spread question asked in social networks and on the on-line forums is:” How to make my waist a perfect one?”. I know a girl whose waist is 24 inches but she is disappointed with tat figure and aims to reach the desired 21-inch waist. Another girl whose parameters are 58-36-58 doesn’t even bother her head with the question of reaching the ideal waist. Taking into account the significant size of her breasts and hips her waist is actually a perfect one.

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People and Presents

Everyone enjoys presents but the people give and receive them in various manners. The aim of each present is to bring joy to both the one who gives a present and the one ho receives it. It is important to do your best to avoid disappointment if you give a present.

  • If a person has the strong conviction that he is the best present himself that is a vivid example of the fact that even good may be excessive. The parents of such person probably used to suppose that their children is the center of the universe. That’s why as soon as such person goes through the door of the house he gets sure that his popping up is the present for all the guests. Generally the presents of such person may be rather valuable and expensive but only in the case he searches for attention of the one who receives them.
  • The ones who are not commonly pleased with what the other people give them may express their dissatisfaction either openly or implicitly. Such ones may tell a joke that would reveal their real attitude to the present received or make careless face. To reduce the risk of such situation it’ better to ask what that person would like to have. There is nothing wrong with it. Moreover the people who are rarely satisfied with the presents they get are aware of their feature and often make a list of wishes.

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How to Act if You Have Been insulted

It’s a pity but world is imperfect. Maybe if everything had gone smoother the world would be a dull place to live in. But still some minor events make us upset. We may either insult the other people or get insulted ourselves. Insult is an unpleasant thing by all means but for fragile and sensitive personalities that may be a cause of depression. So how to answer the abuser if he insults you? There are various strategies to act in such situation but I prefer not to answer. First or all impudence and rudeness makes me feel uneasy. Of course later I find a pile or possible sharp and witty answers but it’s already late. Moreover I suppose that there is no point to waste every second of your precious time for arguing with the one who allows himself to insult the others. I won’t make him better anyway if I start arguments. The last reason for my passive attitude is weak vocal cords. Every tension causes pain and discomfort. And the one with quiet and soft voice won’t take over noisy ill-mannered nuisance. The cycle “insult-answer insult” may be never ending. It is more likely the I would finally give in and allow the abuser to celebrate his victory. I prefer to cut off the mutual insulting by ignoring it from the very beginning. That doesn’t mean I always act right, in addition I don’t always ignore insults. I developed some tips for myself that help me when I face boorishness. Probably you would find some of them helpful.

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Dreams as the Way to Understand Your Subconscious Self

Psychologists view repeated dreams as a kind of particular messages which our sub conscience sends us in order to warn us about the problems of our psychological system. It is essential to learn to understand these messages in order to realize the roots of your current stress. You can make your own analysis of your dreams with the help of the following examples.

For instance, one of the wide spread plots presents you being in some unknown place and trying to find a station to go home. Or you are already in a train, but you do not want where you are going. The railway station is a symbol of the beginning or the end of something. It means that you are entering some new stage of your personal or carrier development which makes you anxious. Or, may be you are searching for a way out from some difficult situation, so you should define what prevents you from finding it in real life.

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Mistakes of Parents

Love of parents has no limits and they wish to transmit the best things possible to their children with their endless love. Every parent wants to bring up a kind, fair, brave and confident person. We are lucky if our parents used to bring us up the right way. But sometimes the people may have various fallacies concerning the parental love. If one knows the main principles of upbringing that may help him to avoid the most common mistakes in mentoring their children.

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Signs And Mechanisms of Addiction

The main feature of the addictive syndrome is the need to consume the psychoactive substance (drugs, alcohol, tobacco or drastic remedies) or fulfill the certain activity (gambling, computer gaming, surfing on the internet) that helps the addict to reach the short state of euphoria.

The people who show three or more signs of being addicted from the following list are in the risk group of the ones who are likely to develop an addiction.

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