Elliot Erwitt

Some people think I’m dead, because I’ve been around so long/ Elliot Erwitt.

Elliot Erwitt is one of the most remarkable and probably recognizable photographers of the 20th century. If you have never heard about him, well, shame on you! But you have definitely seen his images that are mainly ironic and full of satire. And of course he has become known as an author of the most famous images of celebrities including Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and many others. Do you remember that very popular shot when Monroe was posing during the Seven-Year Itch shooting? It was taken by Erwitt. In fact Erwitt is one of the most remarkable photographers who followed principles of Cartier-Bresson’s “decisive moment”.

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A-Photo-a-Day Life Story

People will always invent something interesting and entertaining in order not to get bored from life. One of the recent trends is shooting photos during a usual day of your life, provide them with brief description and post this photo report on special Internet communities “A Day in My Life” or Live Journal to make all users the witnesses of your everyday life.

The reasons for opening your private space for the observation of the others can be different. Some of us want to receive appraise of the fullness of our life and of our personal success, the others use the method of a-photo-a-day shooting to view his or her priorities and interests in life. Besides, it allows walking in some other’s shoes through the prism of his or her photos and noticing something joyful and wonderful in ordinary life. Through these photo reports you can get involved in some other’s life without ruining your own.

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