I Am New Here

Nearly the worst nightmare imaginable is you standing in front of the crowd of strangers without any idea of what to tell them. You look ridiculous and people start laughing and pointing at you. And, on the top of it all, you are naked. This nightmare is quite similar to a real situation when you are being introduced to new team and have to produce good impression on all its members. Or, at least, any impression at all.

I was always scared of the first day in any new place. Nobody knows you, and all observe you curiously to define the species you belong to. Besides, you are surrounded with a whirlwind of new names and faces which confuse you but which you are bound to memorize immediately.

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Dreams as the Way to Understand Your Subconscious Self

Psychologists view repeated dreams as a kind of particular messages which our sub conscience sends us in order to warn us about the problems of our psychological system. It is essential to learn to understand these messages in order to realize the roots of your current stress. You can make your own analysis of your dreams with the help of the following examples.

For instance, one of the wide spread plots presents you being in some unknown place and trying to find a station to go home. Or you are already in a train, but you do not want where you are going. The railway station is a symbol of the beginning or the end of something. It means that you are entering some new stage of your personal or carrier development which makes you anxious. Or, may be you are searching for a way out from some difficult situation, so you should define what prevents you from finding it in real life.

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